
Showing posts from January, 2018

Dr. for 36 Weeks

Hi again Baby, Interesting that we had a doctor's appointment the day after our adventure. Daddy and I were both so tired from not getting much sleep the night before, but we had to get up and go about our day. Dr. Harrison checked me today, and I was at a 2, which means the misery last night did bring some progress. But who knows, right? Hopefully you'll be here soon! Love, Mommy 36 weeks and 3 days Mommy's weight: 166 lbs Your heart beats per minute: 147

Middle of the Night

Dear Baby, I am just not so sure, kid. Last night, we had Nana and Papa over around midnight, because I was having crazy contractions--more painful than I ever remember before. So Daddy and I thought you were coming! He helped me time them, and they were very consistent 2 1/2 minutes apart and about 45 seconds each. That's when Dr. Harrison says to get to the hospital! So we did. And we came home, just a few hours later. The WHOLE time we were there, I was having very painful contractions, about every 2 minutes. But when the nurse checked me, I was only dilated to a 1! What?! Even after almost 2 hours of pain in the hospital (not to mention the hours at home), only 1 centimeter. I was pretty discouraged, and came home crying. So discouraged! I was so grateful to Nana and Papa, though, for coming even in the middle of the night. Let's do this for real next time, ok? Love, Mommy 36 Weeks and 2 Days

35 Weeks and a Few

Dear Baby, We went to the Dr. again this morning. Luckily, you have been moving lots since Wednesday, and I wasn't worried anymore about you. You are measuring right on for 36 weeks, though we are a few days shy, and everything looks good! Henry and Johnny stayed with Grandpa and Grandma while I went, and they had lots of fun playing. It was strange to be at a Dr. appointment by myself, with just your kicks for company. I look forward to having you in my arms instead of in my belly, though. Love, Mommy 35 Weeks 5 Days Mommy's Weight 167 lbs Your Heartbeats per minute: 142

The 5th Floor

Dear Baby, Well, you are officially a pregnancy of firsts, even though you are my third baby. I realized last night at dinner that I hadn't felt you all day. I tried having the boys talk right into my belly: "wake up baby!" they yelled. I tried playing the piano loudly, I tried drinking a sugary drink, I tried jumping up and down---you were just not moving. And then I started to get worried. I called Nana, because I always call her when I have questions, and she said I should probably go to the hospital. I didn't want to. I didn't want to sit and wait and be boring. So, I gave you another hour while I was at Young Women's. Well, I got home at about 8:30, and told Daddy we needed to head to the Emergency Room. Papa came over to stay with your brothers while they slept and while we were at the hospital, and then off we went. Daddy brought our hospital bag, just in case we were there for a while. Luckily, we weren't. But still. We went into the ER...

Your Name

Dear Baby, I think Daddy and I have finally decided on a name for you. We've sort of known your first name for a while now, but I think we've got it all figured out. Last Name: Bruton What a great last name you get! So many good men have this last name, and you will continue on a great tradition of Bruton gentlemen. Middle Name: Charles We wanted to choose something literary, so I sat and made a list of any literary or historical name that I liked. It was a list of about 20 names, and I starred the ones I liked. Charles was actually written at the top, though I did not star it, but it was Daddy's favorite. When Daddy said he liked it I said "really? That would be a good one!" Charles is also a family name on the Bruton side and with the Schofield's--Papa's Grandpa Schofield was named Charles, and I loved him. So you get a family name, and you are officially named after Charles Dickens, one of our favorite authors. First Name: Peter Peter is...


Dear Baby, I wish I could really convey to you how uncomfortable I am right now. I decided the other day that there really is no way for someone to understand without being pregnant themselves--which means you will never truly understand, as you are a boy. Congratulations. But you are just so big! And you have decided to drop down low in my body, which makes my hips and my lower back REALLY hurt. All the time. At our doctor appointment today, Dr. Harrison was trying to find you in my belly. She had to go all the way down before she could feel your head, and she said: "Wow! He is REALLY low. Don't jump on any trampolines, or he will come right out!" Don't worry--no jumping for Mommy. Because as uncomfortable, miserable, tired, and sick as I am, I don't want you to come out for another 2 weeks. You still have lots of growing to do! So I will be tough and do my best to give you space to grow and develop. Keep up the good work, because obviously you are grow...

Hospital Bag and Things

Dear Baby, Henry and Johnny helped me get the hospital bag packed, most of the way, today. They picked out your going home outfit at H&M and they are so excited! It's a little Mickey Mouse sweatsuit. Green of course, since Henry helped pick it out. The hood even has little Mickey ears. It was strange, packing the bag, and thinking about you coming in a few weeks. I am certainly looking forward to it! I got my clothes, a blankie for you, and a book to read to you. It's called The Path Between Seas , by David McCullough. It's about the Panama Canal. Hope you like it! Well Baby, I will see you in a few weeks. Love, Mommy 33 weeks and 1 day

32 Weeks...and Done

Dear Baby Boy, I reached this point with Johnny, too. The point where I have around 2 months left but I am so tired of being pregnant. I just want to lay on my stomach to sleep. Heck, I just want to sleep! I find it so difficult to get comfortable and then stay comfortable, that I am hardly sleeping. I know once you are here I will get woken up every 3-4 hours, but at least I will get to sleep in between those wakings! You are so active, which is wonderful, but you have discovered pushing into my ribs and down onto my hips. I would prefer it if you stopped doing that. You're wiggly and silly, I think, and you get so excited when you hear your brothers in the morning. I look forward to when you can wiggle and respond to them outside of my body. But we do have a few more weeks! I will try and keep my chin up. Love, Mommy 32 weeks and 1 day