Middle of the Night

Dear Baby,

I am just not so sure, kid. Last night, we had Nana and Papa over around midnight, because I was having crazy contractions--more painful than I ever remember before.

So Daddy and I thought you were coming! He helped me time them, and they were very consistent 2 1/2 minutes apart and about 45 seconds each. That's when Dr. Harrison says to get to the hospital!

So we did.

And we came home, just a few hours later.

The WHOLE time we were there, I was having very painful contractions, about every 2 minutes. But when the nurse checked me, I was only dilated to a 1! What?! Even after almost 2 hours of pain in the hospital (not to mention the hours at home), only 1 centimeter.

I was pretty discouraged, and came home crying. So discouraged! I was so grateful to Nana and Papa, though, for coming even in the middle of the night.

Let's do this for real next time, ok?



36 Weeks and 2 Days


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