32 Weeks...and Done

Dear Baby Boy,

I reached this point with Johnny, too. The point where I have around 2 months left but I am so tired of being pregnant. I just want to lay on my stomach to sleep. Heck, I just want to sleep! I find it so difficult to get comfortable and then stay comfortable, that I am hardly sleeping. I know once you are here I will get woken up every 3-4 hours, but at least I will get to sleep in between those wakings!

You are so active, which is wonderful, but you have discovered pushing into my ribs and down onto my hips. I would prefer it if you stopped doing that. You're wiggly and silly, I think, and you get so excited when you hear your brothers in the morning. I look forward to when you can wiggle and respond to them outside of my body.

But we do have a few more weeks! I will try and keep my chin up.

32 weeks and 1 day


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