
Dear Baby,

I wish I could really convey to you how uncomfortable I am right now. I decided the other day that there really is no way for someone to understand without being pregnant themselves--which means you will never truly understand, as you are a boy. Congratulations.

But you are just so big! And you have decided to drop down low in my body, which makes my hips and my lower back REALLY hurt. All the time.

At our doctor appointment today, Dr. Harrison was trying to find you in my belly. She had to go all the way down before she could feel your head, and she said: "Wow! He is REALLY low. Don't jump on any trampolines, or he will come right out!" Don't worry--no jumping for Mommy.

Because as uncomfortable, miserable, tired, and sick as I am, I don't want you to come out for another 2 weeks. You still have lots of growing to do! So I will be tough and do my best to give you space to grow and develop.

Keep up the good work, because obviously you are growing lots!



Mommy's weight: 166 lbs
Your heart beats per minute: 138

33 weeks and 5 days


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