Orange Popsicles

Dear Little Boy,

One of the worst doctor visits is over!! I had my glucose test today, to check for gestational Diabetes. Ugh. It is AWFUL. In five minutes, I have to drink 8 onow need of a very sugary drink, then they check to see how my blood reacts an hour after that.

It’s so hard to get all that nasty stuff down in 5 minutes, let me tell you. I wanted to throw up and quit several times. It is really like drinking a melted popsicle—very thick and full of sugar. But hopefully I pass this first test, and we don’t have to do it again.

You are measuring right on for 25 weeks (which you will be on Sunday) and your heartbeat was lively, loud, and steady. I am so glad. We are eagerly looking forward to you joining our family. Our goal is to make it to Daddy’s birthday before you are born, but big brother Henry really wants you to be born on his birthday. He says a baby would be a “wonderful gift!” I think he is right.

Love, Mommy

Mommy’s weigh: 158 lbs
heart beats per minute:138

24 weeks and 5 days


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