Dr. Again

Hi Baby,

We visited the doctor again today. We saw Dr. Harrison, who will help deliver you when you are reading next year! We talked about how Mommy is feeling (AWFUL, by the way) and how your big brothers are doing.

While we were there, we listened to your heartbeat again! Dr. Harrison said your heart is on the high end of the spectrum, which means you are 60% likely to be a girl. When I told Daddy this evening, he he just laughed and said: "Well, 10% closer to a girl, whoo hoo!"

But it was still fun to hear your sweet little heart. Henry and Johnny stood at the edge of the bed watching the Dr. Harrison put the little machine on my tummy and move it around, looking for you. It's so exciting to know you are there.


Mommy's Weight: 141 lbs
Your heartbeat: 157 beats per minute

12 Weeks and 4 Days


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