20 week appointment

Dear Baby Boy,

Still can’t believe I have another boy on the way. Confirmation at the ultrasound was, well, I was ready this time I guess! I am trying to decide what we’re going to name you! Daddy has no idea, and I have a few ideas I like, but he’s not sure on those. So you might not get a name for quite a while, kiddo.

At our doctor appointment today, Dr. Harrison said you are looking great! Nice and big, all your organs look perfect, and you are healthy and strong. Always a relief! It’s hard to tell what I am looking at during the ultrasound, so Dr. Harrison helped me see everything. Good job, baby!

One interesting bit, is there is an extra thick portion of the placenta that is not usually there. Dr. Harrison said it shows up when you are pregnant with twins, so it is likely Mommy was pregnant with twins for a while, and the other baby didn’t continue developing for some reason. I felt a little sad about that, but I am a little glad, too. Twins would be so crazy! Mostly, I am glad you are healthy and strong and safe.

I love you,

Mommy’s Weight: 151 lbs
Heart beats per minute:142
20 weeks and 5 days


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