I See You!

Dear Baby,

We saw you today!! Me and your brothers! We were so excited. I went to the Dr. to talk about insurance and all the financial side of having a baby. All that is boring, but we got our official due date: February 25. One day before Henry's due date! Though he was born 2 weeks early. While we were there, I asked if we could listen to your heartbeat. The nurse was happy to oblige, and went and got the little sonogram to find your heartbeat.

Well, you did not want to hold still. We could hear you moving around and, occasionally, caught the sound of your little heart. But I think the nurse wanted to make sure your heart was doing ok, and so she went and got the little ultrasound machine.

As soon as she placed it on my tummy, we could see you! And you lifted your hand up and waved at your brothers. It was AWESOME. I noticed right away that you have the same little nose as your brothers, and a sweet little profile. I was so happy to see you there inside of me, even though you are SO tiny, only about an inch and a half long. Your little wave just made my heart melt and I know Henry was so excited to see you.

We love you little Baby, and we are excited to meet you in February!


11 Weeks 3 Days

We couldn't print the picture, so I had to take a photo of the screen with my phone. It isn't the greatest, but I can still see your little face!


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