
Dear Baby,

You are there! You're inside me! You're teeny weeny tiny, but I am so glad you are there. I estimate you are about 4 weeks old. I have been so tired lately, and I am just a couple of days late, so I decided to take a pregnancy test today.

I had your big brother, Henry, look at the test to see if he could see both lines: "Yep, two lines, Mama." He said. He asked me what that meant and I said: "there is a baby in my tummy!" He said: "Oh!" and then ran away to play.

You are a little bit of a surprise, especially for your Daddy. In December of last year, we decided we might start trying to have a baby, and I went off birth control. But a few months ago, probably in February, we talked it over again and Daddy said he would rather wait a bit longer. So I went back on birth control again. But I just didn't feel so great about it! I kept skipping days, not really trying to be consistent or worrying about it, because I just didn't know how I felt. Well--you weren't so sure either! Here you are now!

When I told Daddy today he said, "I thought we were doing birth control." And I smiled and said, "Yeah, sorta." When I explained he understood and said, "well, here we go!"

Johnny doesn't really understand what it means for you to come. I keep asking him if he would like a baby at our house and he says "Nope!" But I do hope that he will warm up to the idea. He still isn't so sure about me holding your cousin William, who is 6 months old. I am sure he'll be nervous about Aunt Chelsey's new baby, Lucy, too.

But don't worry--we are all excited for you to come. As you get bigger and your brothers can see you inside me in the ultrasounds, I am sure they will get more and more excited.

We love you, baby!



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